

Lists related to human medicinal products

Human medicinal products with MA in Iceland xlsx, 547 kb Human medicinal products

Herbal medicinal products for traditional use xlsx, 43 kb Human medicinal products

Narcotic drugs xlsx, 43 kb Human medicinal products

OTC medicinal products xlsx, 66 kb Human medicinal products

List of medicinal products allowed for dose dispensing in Iceland xlsx, 79 kb Human medicinal products

Medicinal products authorised for sale outside of pharmacies where no pharmacy or subsidiary is operated xlsx, 41 kb Human medicinal products

ATC Classification Annað Human medicinal products

Withdrawals in 2024 xlsx, 59 kb Human medicinal products

Withdrawals from 2017-2023 xlsx, 327 kb Human medicinal products

Lists related to veterinary medicinal products

Veterinary medicinal products with MA in Iceland xlsx, 112 kb Veterinary medicinal products

Withdrawal period in food-producing animals xlsx, 93 kb Veterinary medicinal products

ATCvet classification Annað Veterinary medicinal products

Narcotic drugs for animals xlsx, 34 kb Veterinary medicinal products

Last updated: July 5, 2024
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