Pilot project on e-PILs has started

On the 1st of March 2021, the Ministry of Health's pilot project on e-PILs was started. Participation for currently marketed products is now closed.

Identification in the Icelandic medicinal product register

In the Icelandic medicinal product register ( serlyfjaskra.is), a list of all participating products is available. The "R" logo below also indicates that the product is included in the e-PIL project.

Applications can still be submitted for new medicinal medicinal products

Requests for participation for new medicines can be submitted during the lifespan of the project. A request for participation shall be sent to the e-mail [email protected].

Aim of the project

The aim of the project is to evaluate whether the use of e-PILs ensures safe medicinal treatments of patients. It will also be assessed whether the project will lead to an increase of hospital products on the Icelandic market.

Contacts in hospitals

All hospitals and health institutions have contacts for the project. These contacts will communicate about the project within their institutions.

Last updated: October 24, 2022
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